Why choose Engage Orthodontics for your Invisalign treatment?
- Invisalign is a technique – not a product – for moving teeth so results will differ depending on your doctor’s experience with the system.
- By choosing Invisalign by our Engage Doctors you are choosing orthodontic specialists:
- A dentist who has additional years of education to learn about growth and development of skeletal and dental progress and how to move teeth in a healthy, efficient way.
- You get an amazing team who works with Invisalign patients all the time and delivers an amazing experience every time!
Invisalign: the Clear Choice
If you are considering invisible aligners, the Invisalign product paired with the experience and expertise of Dr. Suzy, Dr. Mark, Dr. Mel, and the rest of the Engage Orthodontics team is a great way to improve smiles by straightening teeth.
One of the most obvious benefits of the Invisalign system is simply the aesthetics. With the Invisalign clear aligners, you can smile confidently during and after your orthodontics experience.
- Most people won’t even know you are wearing them!
- Ability to remove your aligners to brush and floss just like you always have (or should be!)
- Eliminates the risk of staining after treatment
- Easier to keep your gum tissue healthy during treatment
Using the very latest, modern 3-D tech, our Engage doctors digitally move each tooth and prescribe a custom set of aligners made just for you. Everyone has unique facial structures and the unique bone around your teeth and gum tissues varies greatly from patient to patient.
- It’s important we see you before the process starts – taking the necessary x-rays and pictures to ensure we correctly diagnose your unique case.
- Throughout your orthodontic experience, you’ll switch to new aligners that allow your teeth to gradually and comfortably shift.
- The result – we ensure your teeth are moving in the healthiest possible way; that your profile, nose, and chin all match with your teeth and make your smile look AWESOME and specific to you.
With invisalign treatment, there will be fewer required appointments at our office. At Engage Orthodontics team, on average, Invisalign appointments are needed less frequently and treatment is completed sooner than traditional braces.
Invisalign Teen – the Preferred Alternative to Braces
Worried about having metal braces through those teen years – prom, yearbook photos or playing sports?
Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible and most people do not even notice them.

Eat What You Want
Ever hear that you won’t be able to eat anything with braces?
Not with Invisalign. Because it is completely removable, you can eat all your favorites, from corn on the cob to popcorn to apples.

Durable System for Active Kids
Worried Invisalign Will Interfere with Extracurriculars?
Not only are the aligners removable, they are incredibly durable.
Invisalign will not interfere with any extracurricular activities. Acting, playing soccer, running cross country or part of the school band, Invisalign will let your kids continue to do all the activities you all love.

Ready to get started?
Comfortable. Fast. Accurate.
A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Getting Started with Invisalign
Introducing the iTero Elements Intraoral Scanner.
This state-of-the-art digital impression system eliminates the need for messy putty in your mouth. It also speeds up delivery times and provides a precision fit.

- No gooey mess associated with impression materials
- Breathe and swallow as you normally would
- No unpleasant taste or smell

- View 3D scans on screen with your orthodontist immediately
- Faster delivery times of your personalized Invisalign treatment plan

- Allows for a precise fit of Invisalign clear aligners and retainers
- Eliminates the need to retake impressions