Proud to serve Appleton, Green Bay, and Greater NE Wisconsin — MHT Orthodontics + Engage Orthodontics >

Susan Klobucarich

“Your smile is a work of art”

“I feel that being an orthodontist is the greatest job in the world. I love the puzzle of moving teeth, the fun of building relationships with families, the challenge of connecting a patient’s concerns to a treatment tailored just for them, and of course, the amazing feeling of watching a patient’s new smile brighten the room!”


Dr. Suzy completed three years of undergraduate study at Marquette University when she was accepted early into Marquette University School of Dentistry. The additional two years of school allowed Dr. Suzy to earn a Masters of Science degree (MS) and Orthodontic Specialty Degree. As you can imagine, she will forever be a Golden Eagles fan!


Dr. Suzy has her original roots in Oshkosh, WI where she practiced for many years. Dr. Suzy and her family have always enjoyed the Appleton area and decided they wanted to be a part of its amazing community. The Klobucarich’s moved to Appleton where her husband is an IT consultant and he now helps to rock the IT ideas at the practice. Her son and little-lion-of-a-dog keep life hopping. Their lives are filled with music everywhere, time on the water, and road-tripping to the UP to visit family or wherever the car may take them!

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