Virtual Appointments
Currently available for Appleton patients
Have questions about your aligners, retainers, or rubberbands? For our Appleton patients, a great way for us to be able to help answer your questions is by having you take a few quick photos of your pearly whites. Follow these simple steps for excellent photo taking and ask us your question. We will do our best to get back to you within one business day!
The process is quite easy and it involves three steps:
1. Take these photos on your phone:
Using spoons or your fingers to retract your lips and cheeks, take these 4 photos:
Aligners IN, slightly open Aligners OUT, biting down Aligners OUT, right bite Aligners OUT, left bite
Tips for taking great photos:
- Have a friend take the photos for you.
- Make sure your flash is on.
- Tray and capture just your mouth/teeth if possible
- Relax your lips
- IMPORTANT: Keep your teeth together while taking the photos and make sure to bite on your back teeth.
2. Please submit the photos to us by text:
Text your photos to
Dr. Suzy in Appleton